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Rule Deprecations

Sometimes a rule that used to be 👍 does not age well and becomes 👎. In the past, these cases have included:

  • Overly opinionated and/or stylistic rules that don't represent a universal best practice
  • Renames
  • Rules moved to an external plugin

In these cases, we aim to remove the old rule with minimal user disruption.

Filing the Issue

Rule deprecations can be filed as a new issue bypassing templates.

Provide it an ## Overview containing:

  • The rule name & link to its documentation page
  • A clear explanation of why you believe it should be deprecated
  • Whether it exists in popular configs such as eslint-config-airbnb-typescript and eslint-config-standard-with-typescript
  • Sourcegraph queries showing how often it appears in user configs

See #6036 for examples of those links and queries.


  1. In any minor/patch version, add rule meta properties:
    • deprecated: true
    • replacedBy, if applicable
  2. In the next major version, you may delete the rule
    • If the rule is relatively popular with users, consider leaving a documentation page as a tombstone pointing to the new relevant rule or docs (see camelcase as an example)