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Getting Started


This page is a quick-start for ESLint's new "flat" config format to go from zero to linting with our recommended rules on your TypeScript code as quickly as possible.


Step 1: Installation

First, install the required packages for ESLint, TypeScript, and our tooling:

npm install --save-dev eslint @eslint/js @types/eslint__js typescript typescript-eslint

Step 2: Configuration

Next, create an eslint.config.mjs config file in the root of your project, and populate it with the following:

// @ts-check

import eslint from '@eslint/js';
import tseslint from 'typescript-eslint';

export default tseslint.config(

This code will enable our recommended configuration for linting.

Aside on file extensions

The .mjs extension makes the file use the ES modules (ESM) format. Node interprets .js files in the CommonJS (CJS) format by default, but if you have "type": "module" in your package.json, you can also use eslint.config.js.

Step 3: Running ESLint

Open a terminal to the root of your project and run the following command:

npx eslint .

ESLint will lint all TypeScript compatible files within the current folder, and will output the results to your terminal.


Next Steps

If you're having problems getting this working, please have a look at our Troubleshooting & FAQs.

Additional Configs

We recommend you consider enabling the following two configs:

  • strict: a superset of recommended that includes more opinionated rules which may also catch bugs.
  • stylistic: additional rules that enforce consistent styling without significantly catching bugs or changing logic.
export default tseslint.config(

You can read more about these in our shared configurations docs.

Typed Linting

We also provide a plethora of powerful rules that utilize the power of TypeScript's type information. Visit the next page for a typed rules setup guide.

Documentation Resources