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Require using Error objects as Promise rejection reasons.


This rule requires type information to run.

This rule extends the base eslint/prefer-promise-reject-errors rule. It uses type information to enforce that Promises are only rejected with Error objects.



const err = new Error();
Promise.reject('an ' + err);

new Promise((resolve, reject) => reject('error'));

new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const err = new Error();
reject('an ' + err);
Open in Playground

How to Use

export default tseslint.config({
rules: {
// Note: you must disable the base rule as it can report incorrect errors
"prefer-promise-reject-errors": "off",
"@typescript-eslint/prefer-promise-reject-errors": "error"

Try this rule in the playground ↗


See eslint/prefer-promise-reject-errors's options.

This rule adds the following options:

interface Options {
* Whether to always allow throwing values typed as `any`.
allowThrowingAny?: boolean;

* Whether to always allow throwing values typed as `unknown`.
allowThrowingUnknown?: boolean;

const defaultOptions: Options = {
allowThrowingAny: false,
allowThrowingUnknown: false,

When Not To Use It

Type checked lint rules are more powerful than traditional lint rules, but also require configuring type checked linting.

See Troubleshooting > Linting with Type Information > Performance if you experience performance degradations after enabling type checked rules.


Taken with ❤️ from ESLint core.